Charlye Castro

Software Engineer

Seattle, WA | | |


University of Washington

Seattle, WA

Bachelor of Science in Informatics

Sept 2015 - June 2019



Seattle, WA

Software Engineer III

Oct 2023 - Present

  • Migrated web components & pages to optimized Next.js monorepo, improving performance & maintenance
  • Implemented GraphQL queries & mutations within a modern repo, enhancing data integrity & performance
  • Developed & launched new web features for partner brand drugs, increasing user access to deals & offers
  • Contributed to the consolidation of the authentication experience across all apps, simplifying user access


Seattle, WA

Software Engineer II

Apiril 2022 - Oct 2023

  • Launched onboarding/enrollment features across iOS, Android & Web, driving significant account growth
  • Engineered dynamic deep links and reusable web components, driving substantial mobile app install growth
  • Deployed numerous A/B tests across platforms, utilizing Segment analytics to measure feature performance


Redmond, WA

Software Engineer In Test - Contract

Oct 2020 - April 2022

  • Developed a multi-platform test framework that was utilized across multiple internal products
  • Maintained and implemented software tests and pipelines that ensured 99% reliability every 24 hours
  • Collaborated with multiple teams to build out testing plans and resolved important product test issues
  • Onboard developers on to the framework by conducting meetings, demos and 1 on 1 collaboration sessions

Recon Dynamics

Seattle, WA

Mobile Developer - Contract

June 2020 - Oct 2020

  • Improved the experience and versatility of an asset tracking mobile application used for construction jobs
  • Built offline sync to complete uploads once connection is restored, increasing the productivity of clients
  • Redesigned the app to be responsive for any device, increasing client base and improving user experience


Bellevue, WA

Mobile Development Intern

Juney 2019 - Sept 2020

  • Delivered UX/UI improvements for Android and iOS apps, enhancing the experience of over 1 million users
  • Implemented Single Sign-On and a friendly survey UI, thus speeding up the experience and task completion
  • Preserved excellent code quality by contributing to code reviews, writing tests and resolving product bugs


TypescriptReactNextAstroNodeGraphQLPythonGoJavaSQLNoSQLSeleniumDockerAWSContentfulTailwindsGitHTMLCSSJSJestKotlinSwiftReact NativeLinuxPNPM